Nhood Hungary staff donations supported several organizations this year again
An important aspect of Nhood's corporate philosophy is that we strive to make a positive impact on the environment around us. That is why, in addition to our 3P approach, we support charities each year and also contribute to the common good through employee donations. Moreover, our CSR team also organized sponsorships and free screenings for the Auchan Korzó shopping centers under our operation. Below is a summary of these activities.
This year again, Nhood Hungary employees had the opportunity to donate their clothes and household appliances that have become unnecessary in their homes, but are still usable, to charity. The donations not only help people living in difficult circumstances, but also give a second life to various second-hand items, extending their lifespan and promoting the circular economy.
This is the fifth year that we have supported the Avas Area Service Centre of the Unified Social, Health and Child Welfare Institution of Miskolc. Four times a year, in every season, we distribute seasonal clothes, shoes, bed linen and children's toys to those in need. The center undertakes to distribute the donations, helping to solve the social problems of the families in Miskolc. In 2023, around 60 bags, mostly of clothes, were donated.
Last year, we started a cooperation with InDaHouse Hungary Association, an organization engaged in the development of disadvantaged children living in the villages of Borsod. In September this year, our staff delivered nine bags of clothes, children's toys, schoolbags and school supplies to the association's donation shop in Hernádszentandrás. Thanks to the donation shop, second-hand clothes and items in good condition are given a second life while also allowing disadvantaged families in the area to buy everyday essentials at a low price. The minimum compensation is necessary because people in need are more willing to accept the items if they pay for them than if they receive them as a donation.
Our colleagues also volunteered their time to help the association. During two days in July, we participated in the renovation of the InDaHouse classroom in Hernádszentandrás, contributing to the start of teaching and development sessions in this building in September.
Cseriti has been operating the oldest and largest donation shop network in our country since 2011. In their program specifically targeted at businesses, they place collection boxes n companies and office buildings to collect household items that have become redundant but can still be used. In total, our staff donated nine bags of kitchen and bathroom utensils, ornaments, bags, purses, children's toys, jewelry and paper stationery to the organization during the spring and autumn campaigns. The donated items can be purchased at a discounted price in Cseriti's Budapest shops.
We also donated office supplies to two other non-profit organizations - the Association of Countries with Rare and Congenital Disorders and the Csillagház Foundation for children with disabilities. It's important to mention that this year we also organized sponsorships for the Auchan Korzó shopping centers. On behalf of our client, Ceetrus, we supported, through our CSR team, the activities of health promotion organizations that are not only of value to us, but also to the target groups of the Auchan Korzó brand.
In 2023, we continued to support the work of the best-known Hungarian breast cancer research, treatment and self-help group organization, the Breast Cancer Cure Foundation, with a high-profile communication campaign and a major donation. The money raised will be used to purchase equipment to improve the treatment of cancer patients. As part of the partnership, the head of the foundation also gave an informative presentation to our staff in October, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In November, during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we also supported our country's largest men's health charity, MentsManust Hungary Association, with an awareness-raising communication campaign and a large donation, and we also hosted two free prostate cancer screenings at Auchan Korzó.
For years, we have also supported the György Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Institute on behalf of Auchan Korzó, which is one of the leading institutions in Europe for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This year, we have again donated medical and other equipment such as children's mats and chairs to the hospital's pediatric outpatient department, which will contribute to improving the condition of the patients treated there and also increase the comfort of the hospital department.
In addition to financial support, it is also important for us to inform the customers of Auchan Korzó about the work of the organizations and their efforts to prevent and cure diseases, as well as draw the public's attention to the importance of a healthy lifestyle and screening tests, helping them in their everyday life.
We would like to thank all our employees who participated in our activities and fundraisers during the past year, thus contributing to the positive social, environmental and economic results we work for.
This year again, Nhood Hungary employees had the opportunity to donate their clothes and household appliances that have become unnecessary in their homes, but are still usable, to charity. The donations not only help people living in difficult circumstances, but also give a second life to various second-hand items, extending their lifespan and promoting the circular economy.
This is the fifth year that we have supported the Avas Area Service Centre of the Unified Social, Health and Child Welfare Institution of Miskolc. Four times a year, in every season, we distribute seasonal clothes, shoes, bed linen and children's toys to those in need. The center undertakes to distribute the donations, helping to solve the social problems of the families in Miskolc. In 2023, around 60 bags, mostly of clothes, were donated.
Last year, we started a cooperation with InDaHouse Hungary Association, an organization engaged in the development of disadvantaged children living in the villages of Borsod. In September this year, our staff delivered nine bags of clothes, children's toys, schoolbags and school supplies to the association's donation shop in Hernádszentandrás. Thanks to the donation shop, second-hand clothes and items in good condition are given a second life while also allowing disadvantaged families in the area to buy everyday essentials at a low price. The minimum compensation is necessary because people in need are more willing to accept the items if they pay for them than if they receive them as a donation.
Our colleagues also volunteered their time to help the association. During two days in July, we participated in the renovation of the InDaHouse classroom in Hernádszentandrás, contributing to the start of teaching and development sessions in this building in September.
Cseriti has been operating the oldest and largest donation shop network in our country since 2011. In their program specifically targeted at businesses, they place collection boxes n companies and office buildings to collect household items that have become redundant but can still be used. In total, our staff donated nine bags of kitchen and bathroom utensils, ornaments, bags, purses, children's toys, jewelry and paper stationery to the organization during the spring and autumn campaigns. The donated items can be purchased at a discounted price in Cseriti's Budapest shops.
We also donated office supplies to two other non-profit organizations - the Association of Countries with Rare and Congenital Disorders and the Csillagház Foundation for children with disabilities. It's important to mention that this year we also organized sponsorships for the Auchan Korzó shopping centers. On behalf of our client, Ceetrus, we supported, through our CSR team, the activities of health promotion organizations that are not only of value to us, but also to the target groups of the Auchan Korzó brand.
In 2023, we continued to support the work of the best-known Hungarian breast cancer research, treatment and self-help group organization, the Breast Cancer Cure Foundation, with a high-profile communication campaign and a major donation. The money raised will be used to purchase equipment to improve the treatment of cancer patients. As part of the partnership, the head of the foundation also gave an informative presentation to our staff in October, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In November, during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, we also supported our country's largest men's health charity, MentsManust Hungary Association, with an awareness-raising communication campaign and a large donation, and we also hosted two free prostate cancer screenings at Auchan Korzó.
For years, we have also supported the György Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Institute on behalf of Auchan Korzó, which is one of the leading institutions in Europe for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This year, we have again donated medical and other equipment such as children's mats and chairs to the hospital's pediatric outpatient department, which will contribute to improving the condition of the patients treated there and also increase the comfort of the hospital department.
In addition to financial support, it is also important for us to inform the customers of Auchan Korzó about the work of the organizations and their efforts to prevent and cure diseases, as well as draw the public's attention to the importance of a healthy lifestyle and screening tests, helping them in their everyday life.
We would like to thank all our employees who participated in our activities and fundraisers during the past year, thus contributing to the positive social, environmental and economic results we work for.